Book Your Campsite & Camper Passes

For a printable version of this form, Click Here.

It's suggested that campsites be pre-booked. especially IF YOU HAVE TRAILERS!
While we have lots of parking, the trailer sites are best pre-booked to shorten the lineup to the gate and help us prepare for your arrival.
Please print camping registration form and mail, or email, completed form with payment ASAP. Address, email and E transfer information is on the printable version registration. All campers must be CHECKED IN for the weekend and wear weekend passes.
We have PLENTY of tent sites and although pre-booked are preferred, it is not required.

Only campers enjoy the Saturday night Bonfire Country Music Show. We will most likely sell out.  Advance registration is strongly recommended.

NOTE: Rough Camping only. No services available. No camp site fires allowed. Please take your garbage home with you. Remember this is a farm and the fields feed many mouths.

SWC Registration Form

SWC Registration Form

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